October 2013
The PGM announced at our Provincial Grand Lodge on May, that the Mark Province of West Lancashire was to offer defibs to all of our masonic halls, that required them. Four were already in progress and these were presented to the Northern Group just before our Summer break.
You may wonder where we are up to now. Research has indicated that 15 halls have an immediate requirement, and we are about to place an order. It is "hoped" to have them in place in 3 months.

These machines are very automatic and anyone can (and should) use them. No training is required, but it is intended to have familiarisation courses. Apart from Hall staff and Lodge Reps, it is hoped that all Mark Masons will be able to attend.     

At present 80/100,000 people die of cardiac arrest in the UK each year. Unless you are already in a hospital when you have an attack , there is only a 5% chance of survival. If a defib is used the chance of survival is nearer 70%.
We intend to be part of the NW ambulance 'Chain of Survival' scheme.
"Watch this space" !!!
The PGM is grateful to VW Bro Michael Clarke for his work in advancing this project . Also to W.Bro. Graham Corday ( Charity Mark lodge ) for suggesting our involvement and starting us on this journey .